With Dripos’s payout system, you have visibility on your payouts from the moment a transaction takes place to the moment it enters your bank account.

While every transaction is accounted for and paid out, their processing and payout times are dependent on whether it’s an active business day.

For this reason it’s important to identify and take note of three key factors for your payouts:

Arrival Date: The date the payout is deposited into your bank account.
Net Payout: The amount of the payout.
Corresponding Tickets: The tickets included in your payout across your sales dates.

These can be matched in your Payouts, Tickets, and Reports pages on the Web Dashboard.

Matching your Payouts

Payouts Page

  1. Navigate to your Payouts page on the Web Dashboard by selecting Finance > Payouts. From here, you can select a Payout to match.
  1. On this page, you can immediately find your Arrival Date and Net Payout. To find the correlating sales dates and data, select View on your target payout:
  1. Viewing your payout will let you see details on your payout from the tickets involved. To view specific tickets by date, select View Tickets:
  1. This will navigate you to the Tickets page on the Web Dashboard with the Payout pre-selected. From here you can view your sales associated with this payout:

Tickets Page

  1. On the Web Dashboard, selecting Sales > Tickets:
  1. Select your target payout to match on the Payouts dropdown:
  1. Once selected, you’ll find your Arrival Date, Net Payout, and Corresponding Tickets on the page:


  1. On the Web Dashboard, select Reports > Sales:
  1. On this report you’ll find a Date Selector where you can click to open up a modal with the option to Report by Payout:
  1. Once selected, you’ll find your Arrival Date, Net Payout, and Corresponding Tickets on the page:

The bottom of the Sales Summary Report is the same as your Payment Methods Report. Payouts can also be matched here: