You are able to access the inventory log of your tracked products through both the Web Dashboard and Point of Sale.

Access the Inventory Log on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, click on the Operations tab at the top of the screen > Inventory:
  1. Locate the name of the product you wish to view the inventory log for > select View:
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page > click on the Usage Log tab:
  1. This will allow you to see each time the stock of the product was changed and how it was added or deducted:
  1. You can also access the inventory log for all of your tracked products by going to the Operations tab at the top of the screen > Inventory > Logs:
  1. You can filter the log in order to see how inventory quantities were effected by different events. To do this, select Log Type in the top right corner. This will prompt a dropdown to appear where you can select between five different event types: Inventory Rule, Bulk Edit, Kitchen Update, Product Expired, and Product Sold.

Access the Inventory Log on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Inventory:
  1. Click on the product you wish to view the inventory log > select View Log at the top right of the page:
  1. Once on this page, click on the Event Type tab in the top right corner. From here, you can select between six different event types: All Types, a Rule, Bulk Add, Kitchen Update, Product Expiry, and Product Sold.