You also have the ability to conveniently access the approval center directly from your mobile phone using the Hub App.

Although we recommend using the Web Dashboard approval center as your main option, this mobile functionality is available to provide you with simple on-the-go access.

Access your Approval Center on the Hub App

  1. Navigate to the My Time tab on the Hub App, and Click Approval Center.
  1. Once on this page, you can click on the Time Cards, Time Off, Trade Requests, or Open Shifts tabs at the top of the page to view the respective time cards or requests that require manager approval:

Approving Time Cards on the Hub App Approval Center

  1. On the Dripos Hub Approval Center, click on the Time Cards tab to view all of your employees’ pending time cards:
  1. Once on this page, click on a time card to reveal it’s details. Here you can edit the Time Card’s Employee, Role, and Recorded Hours before approving via the “Save & Approve Time Card”:

If you wish to delete the time card all together, click on the Remove at the bottom of the pop-up page:

Approving Time Off Requests on the Hub App Approval Center

  1. On the Dripos Hub Approval Center, click on the Time Off Requests tab to view all of your employees’ pending time cards:
  1. Click a request to reveal shift details as well as Approve and Reject buttons:

Approving Trade Requests on the Hub App Approval Center

  1. On the Dripos Hub Approval Center, click on the Trade Request tab to view all of your employees’ pending trade reqeusts:
  1. Click a request to reveal shift details as well as Approve and Reject buttons:

Approving Open Shift Pick up Requests on the Hub App Approval Center

  1. On the Dripos Hub Approval Center, click on the Open Shift Requests tab to view all open shifts that your employees have requested to pick up:
  1. Click a request to reveal shift details as well as Approve and Reject buttons: