Customize your Scheduler Settings on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Scheduling:
  1. Click on the Tools dropdown at the top right of the page > select Settings:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can customize the following scheduler settings:

Default to Role View on the Scheduler Page: This setting allows your scheduler to default to the role view when you initially click into it. If this is off, the schedule will default to the group view.

Enable Employee Shift Confirmation: This setting allows employees to confirm shifts you’ve scheduled for them. If this is on, employees will be prompted to confirm shifts from their Hub App.

First Day of the Week: This setting allows you select which day of the week you’d like your scheduler to start on from the dropdown.

If your shop is only open on certain days of the week, this might be helpful in managing your scheduler.

Duration Display on Shifts: If this is on, the hour duration of shifts will be displayed on the shift boxes themselves. If this is turned off, the shift box will only display the time range of the shift:

Enable Approval for Open Shifts: If this is on, once an employee picks up an open shift on their Hub App, a manager will need to approve this in the approval center.

Weekly Scheduler Emails: If this is on, all of your employees will recieve weekly schedule summary emails detailing their upcoming shifts for the week. These emails are sent automatically.

  1. Once you have finished making your selections, click Save to finalize:

You can also manage your scheduler settings on the Shop settings page on the Web Dashboard, under the Scheduler tab:

Scheduler Tools on the Web Dashboard

You can access a variety of Scheduler Tools by clicking on the Tools dropdown on the Scheduler page of the Web Dashboard:


The refresh button allows you to refresh your scheduler to view the most up to date data. In case anyone is working on the scheduler at the same time as you, this button can help ensure that you’re working with the most recent draft shifts:


You can also condense your scheduler by hiding certain aspects for easier viewing.

Show Scheduled Only: If you use this tool, only employees or roles with scheduled shifts will appear on the scheduler, reducing blank space:

Hide Preferences: This tool will hide all employee shift preferences from the scheduler.

Shift preferences can always be scheduled over even if they are showing, but this tool helps reduce clutter on the scheduler:

Sort By

The Sort By tool helps sort the left hand side of your scheduler in accordance to your preference.

First Name: If you sort by first name, your employees will be listed in alphabetical order according to their first name when using the employee view:

Last Name: If you sort by last name, your employees will be listed in alphabetical order according to their last name when using the employee view:

Custom: Custom sort can be used when in either role or employee view. To utilize this tool, click on the Custom button and a pop-up will appear allowing you to drag employees and roles in your preferred order:

Press Save after you’ve arranged the custom view to your preferences:

Then, use the Tools > Custom buttons to organize your scheduler views accordingly.

Clear Drafts

You can always delete a draft shift by clicking into it and pressing the Delete button. However, if you want to delete all your drafts at once and start over, we reccomend you use the Clear Draft button:

This will only clear drafts from the current view. If you have employees or roles hidden and those people have draft shifts, those drafts will not be deleted.

Time Range Scheduler Views

Your scheduler defaults to a week view, in which you can view and create shifts for 7 days. You can view your scheduler in either Week, Day, Month, or Agenda view.

To change views, click on the dropdown next to the date selector at the top of the page:

Week View

In week view, you are able to see and schedule over a full seven days:

This is the default scheduler view.

Day View

Day view will display the schedule one day at a time, hour by hour. Scroll from left to right to schedule shifts throughout all hours of the day:

Month View

Month view allows you to see a broad overview of all shifts in a given month:

If you click into a day to schedule a shift, you will be taken to day view in order to access further details.

Agenda View

The agenda view allows you to see shifts in list form for an entire week:

This may be helpful for printing the schedule.

Team-Based Scheduler Views

You are also able to view schedules by different team configurations. You can switch between group view, role view, and employee view:

Group View

Your scheduler defaults to the group view, which displays all employee names, organized by role.

If employees have multiple roles, they will appear more than once on the left hand side of the scheduler:

Role View

You can also view the scheduler just by role. Your employee names will not display on the left hand side of the scheduler, but will still be displayed in the shift boxes themselves:

Employee View

If you’d just like to see a list of employees on the left hand side of your schedule without roles attached, you can use Employee View:

Hiding Employees and Roles on the Scheduler

You are able to hide certain roles and employees when in either group view, role view, or employee view. This allows you to condense the scheduler if you only want to work with certain roles or employees at a time.

When in either group or role view, click on the All Roles dropdown at the very top of the page to deselect the roles you don’t want to see on the scheduler:

When in employee view, click on the All Employees dropdown at the very top of the page to deselect the employees you don’t want to see on the scheduler:

Copying Shifts and Creating Templates on the Web Dashboard

Copy Scheduled Weeks Over

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Scheduling:
  1. Click on the date dropdown and select the week you’d like to copy:
  1. Click on the Tools button at the top right of the page > select Copy Week from the dropdown:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear confirming the week you’re about to copy, as well as ask which week you’d like to copy it to:

You can copy a week to up to four weeks in the future.

  1. Click Copy to finalize. Your schedule will then be copied to the selected week, in draft form:

Creating Scheduling Templates

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Scheduling:
  1. Create and publish a schedule as normal.

  2. Once you have created and published a schedule that you’d like to use as a template, click on the Tools button at the top right of the page > select Templates from the dropdown:

  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can either save the current week’s schedule as a template, or apply a template to the current week:

Save a Week as a Template: Enter a label your template in the box that says Template Name > click Create:

The new template will then appear above along with other existing templates:

Apply a Template to a Week: In the pop-up, select Apply to the template you’d like to apply on that week:

The template will then apply to that week as draft shifts: