On Dripos, employees can be paid either a salaried or hourly rate. Salaried employees receive a fixed amount of compensation on a regular basis, which are calculated in Dripos on an annual basis.

Hourly employees receive compensation based on their time worked and their pay rate. Dripos uses employee’s time cards to calculate how much pay that employee has earned over any given period of time worked.

Employee Earnings Types

Salaried Employees

Salaried employees will not have time cards unless they clock in or create time cards in order to receive tips.

Hourly Employees

Hourly employees have their rates based either exclusively on an individual, or on the role that an employee clocks in for.

Hourly employees can have one of four types of pay rates:

Individual Default Rate: This type of hourly rate will be applied regardless of the role an employee makes.Role-Based Default Rate: This type of hourly rate will be applied to all employees with this role, unless overridden by a role-based individual rate.Role-Based Individual Rate: This type of hourly rate will be dependent on the role an employee is clocked in as, but is set per individual.

This rate is created on an individual employee’s page and is not applied to other employees who work the same role.

Time Range Based Rate: This type of hourly rate is applied based on the role an employee is clocked in as, but only within a certain time range.

This type of rate can be created to be applied to every employee who works this role, as well as only certain individuals who work this role.

Employee Specific vs Role-Based Pay Structures

Employee Specific Rates

We recommend that employee specific rates are attached when you want to pay an individual employee the same hourly wage, regardless of which role they’re clocked in as.

An individual default rate is the only type of rate that does not depend on the role that your employee is clocked in as. If you give an employee an individual default rate, their hourly rate will be the same for every one of their time cards.

Creating an Individual Default Rate on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > My Team > select the Employees tab on the far right:
  1. Locate the specific employee you wish to modify the rates for > click View:
  1. Once on the employee’s information page, click the Edit Information button in top right:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear. Scroll down to the Hourly Pay Calculation field > select Employee Specific Rate from the dropdown:
  1. A field named Default Hourly Rate will then appear. Here, type in the amount in dollars that you would like the employee to make per hour, regardless of role:
  1. Press Save to confirm. The individual default rate will now reflect on their employee profile:

Role-Based Pay Rates

There are two types of default role-based rates that you are able to select between:

Flat Hourly Rate

This is the most basic type of default role-based rate, and will always pay the role the same hourly amount, regardless of the time of day the employee attached to the role has worked.

To create a flat hourly rate that applies to all employees of a certain role follow the steps below:

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > My Team > select the Roles tab on the far right:
  1. Locate the specific role you wish to modify the rates for > click Edit:
  1. Click on the Pay Rates tab at the bottom of the page > select Add Pay Rate:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear. Select Hourly under “Rate Type”, and input the rate per hour in dollars under Pay Amount:
  1. Once you have finished filling in the required field, click Save.

Rates Based on Time Ranges

You can also create role-based rates that pay different hourly amounts depending on the time of day.

This might be helpful if you want to pay late-night or early-opening employees in a role at a higher rate. For example, while normal baristas might be paid 14anhour,openingbaristasthatworkbefore7ammightbepaid14 an hour, opening baristas that work before 7am might be paid 14.50 an hour.

To create a rate according to a time range, follow the steps below:

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > My Team > select the Roles tab on the far right:
  1. Locate the specific role you wish to modify the rates for > click Edit:
  1. Click on the Pay Rates tab at the bottom of the page > select Add Pay Rate:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear. Select Time Range under the Rate Type field, and then input the Range Start/End times that you’d like this pay rate to apply within. Finally, input the rate per hour in dollars under Pay Amount:
  1. Once you have finished filling in the required field, click Save.

Individual Role-Based Rates

We recommend using individual role-based rates for employees who work multiple roles, and who might make more or less than other people in that role (based on seniority, experience etc.).

For example, your store might have a pay structure that says starting baristas earn 14anhour,whilebaristasthathave1+yearofexperienceearn14 an hour, while baristas that have 1+ year of experience earn 15 an hour.

To create a role-based rate for a specific employee, follow the steps below:

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > My Team > select the Employees tab on the far right:
  1. Locate the specific employee you wish to modify the pay rates for > click View:
  1. Ensure that their earning type is set to Role Based Rate in their Employee Information section:
  1. Once you have confirmed this, select the Pay Rates tab at the bottom of the page > click Add Pay Rate:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to fill in the following information:

Role: Input the role you would like this pay rate to attach to.

Rate Name: Input what you would like the rate to be displayed as.

Rate Type: Select if you would like the rate type to be either Hourly or Time-Range based.

  1. Once you have finished, click Save:

Even though a default role based rate may exist for a role, it can be overridden by a role based rate if the individual role-based rate is higher than the default-role based rate.

Edit Pay Rates on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > My Team > select the Employees tab on the far right:
  1. Locate the specific employee you wish to modify the pay rates for > click View:
  1. Click on the Pay Rates tab at the bottom of the page:
  1. Locate the specifc pay rate you wish to modify > click Edit:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can edit the rate’s: Name, Type, and Pay Amount. If any changes are made, make sure to click Save:
  1. If you wish to delete the pay rate entirely, click Delete:

You can also view archived pay rates for this role or employee by clicking the dropdown next to the Viewing Active Rates button:

This allows you to see hourly rates that were applied to this role in the past.