The primary way time cards are created by your employees is by clocking in. Employees usually clock in on the Point of Sale, but employees can also be given the option to clock in on the Hub App.

Clocking in and Out on the POS

Clocking In

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Time Clock:
  1. You will be prompted to enter your Employee PIN. Once your PIN is inputted, press the Punch In/Out button:

If you are not scheduled for a shift, you will have the ability to clock in under any role that’s assigned to you:

If you are clocking in for a scheduled shift, you will only have the option to clock in as the role your shift is scheduled for.

  1. Select the Clock In button to finalize your clock in.

Once you have successfully clocked in, your name will appear under the On Shift tab in the sidebar:

Clocking Out

  1. To clock out, simply input your employee PIN once again under the Time Clock tab, or click your name under the On Shift tab:
  1. The POS will then give you the option to clock out if you are on shift:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear that lists how long you worked. To finalize your clock out, click Close:

Once you have successfully clocked out, your time card will be displayed under the Today’s Cards tab in the sidebar:

Tip Payouts on the POS

If your shop tips out your employees in cash after each of their shifts, you can turn on a feature that allows both you and your employees to see their tip amount upon clocking out.

  1. Have your employee clock out as normal.

  2. The time card that requires a tip out will appear under the Tip Payouts section in the sidebar:

  1. Click on the time card. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to enter your Manager PIN:
  1. A pop-up with the tip amount will then appear. Ensure that the amount you see matches your expectations, and click Confirm to finalize:
  1. Cash out your employee normally.

You should only use this feature if you cash out your employees after each shift.

You can also turn on a setting that automatically creates cash drawer payouts during POS tip confirmation.

Swapping Roles on the POS

If you have started a shift under one role but need to transition into working a seperate role, you can swap roles while clocked in so that your roles and tips are properly tracked and allocated.

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Time Clock:
  1. Click on your shift under the On Shift tab in the sidebar:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear that will display all of your roles. Select the role you’d like to switch to > click the Swap Roles button:
  1. You will then need to enter a Manager PIN to approve the shift swap. Once this has been entered, click Submit:

If successful, a pop-up will appear confirming that the role has been swapped:

Editing Auto-Clocked Cards on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Time Clock:
  1. If an employee forgot to clock out, their time card will be auto-clocked out after 24 hours. These auto-clocked out time cards will be displayed under the Requires Timesheet Adjustment section in the sidebar untill they are resolved, upon which they will dissapear:
  1. To resolve, click on the auto-clocked time card. The following pop-up will then appear:
  1. Adjust the date and hours worked to relect the employee’s actual time worked > click Change Dates to finalize.

Editing Today’s Cards on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Time Clock:
  1. Click on the Today’s Cards tab in the sidebar > select the time card you want to edit:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can adjust the start and end times:
  1. Once you have finished making your desired modifications, click Change Dates to finalize.

Mobile Time Clock

Some employees have roles that they work outside the shop, but need to clock in for their time. If this is the case, you can enable the ability to clock in on the Hub App. This will allow employees to clock in and track their time even if not physically in the shop.

Clocking In on the Hub App

To clock in on the Hub app:

  1. Access the My Time page on your Hub app from the bottom tab:
  1. Click View Time Clock. Select your role, and click Clock In/Out. Similarly to clock in on the POS, if you are not scheduled your shift, you can choose which role to clock in as. If you are clocking in for a shift, only that role will appear:
  1. A prompt to Enter your PIN will appear:

Click any of the clock in buttons to confirm.

  1. A pop-up will appear to confirm you’re clocked in:

Clocking Out on the Hub App

  1. Re-access the Hub My Time modal:
  1. Click View Time Clock. Select your role, and click Clock In/Out.

A prompt to Enter your PIN will appear, where you can re-enter your PIN to Clock out.

Click continue to confirm.

Seeing Time Cards Created on Mobile

If a time card has been created with mobile clock in, it will appear with the tag Mobile under the Team > Approval Center, or under Team > Time Cards.

Ensure that the time worked on mobile clock in is accurate, and edit time cards as needed.

Enabling Mobile Clock In

Mobile clock in is a location-based setting, meaning that if your company has multiple locations, it must be turned on at each individual location for employees to use it. You can enable mobile clock in on the Web Dashboard under Shop Settings > Employee Management

Mobile clock in is also limited by role. To enable mobile clock in for a role, navigate to Team > My Team > Roles > Edit > Permissions > Team > Mobile Clock In.

Manage your Time Clock Settings on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, click on the Dripos Logo in the top right corner > Settings:
  1. Select the Employee Management tab at the top of the page:
  1. Click on the Edit button at the top right of the page:
  1. Here, you will be able to modify the following time clock settings:

Require Tip Confirmation: If this is on, a manager will need to confirm an employee’s tip payout when they clock out. This is useful if you need to know how much in tips to give employees if cashing them out after each shift.

This setting should only be turned on if you are giving your employees cash tips at the end of each shift.

The POS will tell you the tip amount to give your employee based on the calculation it makes at the time of clock out.

However, if your time cards change after the employee has clocked out (e.x. an employee’s time card gets edited or deleted), the tip amount may change.

If the tip amount given at the time of clock out was too much, the difference will be debited from their tip amount the next time they clock out. If the tip amount given at the time of clock out was too little, the difference will be added to their tip amount the next time they clock out.

Tip Confirmation Creates Cash Drawer Payouts: If this is on, a cash drawer payout event will occur whenever a tip is confirmed. This is recommended to accurately track cash flow in your shop.

Mobile Clock In: If this is on, employees will be able to clock in/out through the Dripos Hub App.

  1. Once you have finished making your desired modifications, click Save:

Manage your Time Clock Settings on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > select the gear icon in the bottom right corner:
  1. Click on the Timesheets tab:
  1. Here, you will be able to modify the following time clock settings:

Require PIN to Early Clock In: If this toggle is turned on, a manager’s PIN will be required in order for an employee to perform an early clock in.

You can also customize the number of minutes for this setting by entering your desired number into the Custom Minutes Early field:

Require Tip Confirmation: If this toggle is turned on, a manager will need to confirm an employee’s tip payout when they clock out. This is useful if you need to know how much in tips to give employees if cashing them out after each shift.

This setting should only be turned on if you are giving your employees cash tips at the end of each shift.

Tip Confirmation Creates Cash Drawer Payouts: If this toggle is turned on, a cash drawer payout event will occur whenever a tip is confirmed. This is recommended to accurately track cash flow in your shop.

Show Alert on Early Break End: If this toggle is turned on, a warning will pop-up alerting the employee if they attempt to end a break before the allotted time.