Copy Over Weeks and Use Templates

      Copy Over Weeks and Use Templates

        Article Summary

        Make schedulers more efficiently by copying weeks over and using pre-made templates.

        If you have a similar schedule from week to week, you are able to copy weeks over on the scheduler page of the Dripos Web Dashboard.

        Additionally, if you regularly schedule similar employees every week or have several consistent schedules, you can also create templates to speed up the scheduling process.

        Copying Scheduler Weeks Over on the Web Dashboard

        1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Scheduling:

          Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 3.25.28 PM.png

        2. Click on the date dropdown and select the week you'd like to copy:

          Screenshot 2023-07-06 at 10.49.45 AM.png

        3. Click on the Tools button at the top right of the page > select Copy Week from the dropdown:

          Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 7.01.13 PM.png

        4. This will prompt a pop up to appear confirming the week you're about to copy, as well as ask which week you'd like to copy it to:

          Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 6.55.27 PM.png


        You can copy a week to up to four weeks in the future.

        1. Click Copy to finalize. Your schedule will then be copied to the selected week, in draft form:

          Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 6.56.25 PM.png

        Creating Scheduling Templates on the Web Dashboard

        1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Scheduling:

          Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 3.25.28 PM.png

        2. Create and publish a schedule as normal.

        3. Once you have created and published a schedule that you'd like to use as a template, click on the Tools button at the top right of the page > select Templates from the dropdown:

          Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 7.07.14 PM.png

        4. This will prompt a pop up to appear where you can either save the current week's schedule as a template, or apply a template to the current week:

        Save a Week as a Template: Enter a label your template in the box that says Template Name > click Create:

        Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 7.02.50 PM.png

        The new template will then appear above along with other existing templates:

        Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 7.03.02 PM.png

        Apply a Template to a Week: In the pop up, select Apply to the template you'd like to apply on that week:

        Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 7.04.25 PM.png

        The template will then apply to that week as draft shifts:

        Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 7.10.25 PM.png

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