When you accept card transactions at your shop, the funds generated from these sales are processed and subsequently transferred to your company’s designated bank account through a payout.

Payout Timeline

Payouts from your credit card sales will land in your bank account after 1 processing business day and however many days your individual bank takes to process the money.

Sales ticket periods eligible for payouts span from 7 PM ET (UTC midnight) one day to 7 PM ET (UTC midnight) the following day. For instance, if a coffee purchase is made on a Tuesday at 3 PM ET, the funds from this sale will undergo processing on Wednesday and then be paid out by Dripos on Thursday.

Keep in mind that payout funds may take longer to land in your bank account depending on your specific bank account’s processing timeline.

Payout Fee

Every payout incurs a payout fee, which is calculated at a rate of 0.25% + 25¢ of the total payout amount.

View Payouts

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Finance > Payouts.
  1. At the top of the page, you will see the amount that will be included In Next Payout for easy reference:
  1. The main section of this page will lay out all of your shop’s historical payouts, including the following metrics:

Arrival Date: This is the estimated date that the payout will land in your bank account.

Description: This will note what kind of payout this is. Payouts can either be regular payouts from credit card sales, or tax withholding payouts.

Regular payouts will be labeled as Dripos Payout.

Tax withholding payouts will be labeled as Dripos Tax Payout.

Status: The status of the payout will display as either Paid, Pending, or Failed.

If the status is Paid, the payout has already successfully been paid out from Dripos.

If the status is Pending, the payout is in transit.

If the status is Failed, the payout has not been successfully paid. Reach out to Dripos Support for details.

Net Amount: This is the amount that will land in your bank account after payout fees are accounted for.

  1. To filter your payouts, click on the Filters tab near the top of the page. This will prompt a downbar to appear where you can filter by both date and type. There are two payout types you can select between: Sales Payout and Tax Withholding Payout:
  1. To access the Payout Summary for a specific payout, click on the View option next to the respective payout. Here, you will be able to view a detailed breakdown of the sales included in the payout, including the Gross Sales, Net Sales, Total Collected, and Net Total:
  1. To view the tickets that were included in this payout, click on the View Tickets button in the top right corner:
  1. This will redirect you to the Tickets page on the Web Dashboard, which will automatically be filtered to exclusively display the tickets related to your selected payout:

Downloading Payouts on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Finance > Payouts.
  1. Once on this page, you can choose to filter the payouts that you would like included in the downloaded CSV file. To filter the payouts, click on the Filters tab near the top of the page. This will prompt a downbar to appear where you can filter by both *date and type:
  1. Once you have set up your desired filters, click on the download icon in the top right corner:
  1. The CSV file will then automtically download on your device, where it will break down the following metrics for each payout: Arrival Date, Descriptor, Status, Net Total, Payout Fee, and Net Payout:

Tax Withholding

Typically, taxable sales collected from transactions are included in regular daily payouts. However, you have the option to separate and withhold the sales tax from these regular payouts, allowing you to manually handle the payment of sales tax at your preferred time.

Turn on Tax Withholding for Payouts on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, click on the Dripos Logo in the top right corner > Settings:
  1. Select the Order System tab at the top of the page. Here, you will be able to access the Tax Withholding setting:
  1. To enable tax withholding for payouts, click Edit in the top right corner > set the Tax Withholding field to Yes > click Save:

This will prompt a Tax Withholding tab to appear under Finance > Payouts:

View and Pay Out Tax Withholding on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Finance > Payouts > click on the Tax Withholding tab in the left sidebar:
  1. Here, you can see your current withholding amount, as well as all of your past tax withholding payouts, which will be labeled by month, status, and amount:
  1. To payout your current withholding amount into your bank account, click the Payout button at the top of the page:
  1. The payout will then be initiated, and you will be able to access its status under Finance > Payouts, where it will have the Dripos Tax Payout label attached: