Before specifying what you want your printer to print, you’ll need to connect your printer to the Point of Sale.

Follow the steps listed below to effectively integrate your printer into your shop’s operations and enable flawless printing of receipts and tickets.

Set Up your Printer on the POS

  1. Position your printer near a wall outlet and your Wi-Fi Router.

  2. Remove the printer backing to access the power and ethernet ports. These can be found underneath the printer:

  1. Connect your power and ethernet cables to the proper ports:
  1. Turn the printer on using the power button in the top right corner:
  1. The blue lights on the printer’s status bar will begin to blink. After a minute, they will stabilize, and your printer will be connected to ethernet:
  1. When the printer is fully configured, only the power and ethernet symbols should be lit up in blue:

If these lights are not on, your printer is not properly configured to connect to the POS and will not be able to print tickets or receipts.

  1. Once stabilized, the printer will print a short ticket listing an IP address:

Make sure to hold on to this slip, as you will need the IP address to connect the printer to your POS device.

Connect your Printer to the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > select the gear icon in the bottom right corner:
  1. Click on the Printer Settings tab:
  1. Here, you will need to set up a connection between your device and printer by creating a printing route. To create a printing route, click the Add Printer button:

You will need to create a new printing route for each printer function. Common examples of this include one route for make tickets and another for receipts.

For assistance on figuring out which printing routes best suit your shop’s workflow, reach out to Dripos Support.

  1. This will prompt a pop up to appear where you will need to fill in the following information:

Printer Name: Input the name you would like the printing route displayed under. Common examples include: Receipt Printer, Kitchen Printer, Make Tickets, etc.

IP Address: Enter in the exact IP address listed on the small slip that printed when you first turned on your printer. Make sure to double check that the IP address on the printed slip matches the address you typed in, including any periods.

Cash Drawer Attached: If this toggle is turned on, this indicates that a cash drawer is attached to the printing route. This toggle must be on for a physical cash drawer to function with your POS.

Printer is Enabled: If this toggle is turned on, the printing route will be able to print and recieve tickets.

Host Device: Select which device you would like set as the host device for this printing route. This should be a device that recieves all of your desired tickets and is always kept on. Most commonly, this is set to a main register or ticket screen device.

You will only be able to re-print make tickets and receipts from the transaction screen on your host device.

If you need to manually print or re-print from other tablets, make sure to set up extra printing routes with other tablets as host devices.

  1. Once you have filled in all of these fields, click Save in the top right corner:
  1. Your printing route will then be listed under the printer settings page: