Managing Loyalty Points
Discover how to view, earn, and redeem loyalty points
Loyalty must be enabled in order for any of your patrons to be able to collect points.
Once enabled, patrons are able to collect and redeem loyalty points by placing an order on any of your shop’s order platforms. This can be tracked on the Web Dashboard.
View Accumulated Loyalty Points
Via the Web Dashboard
- Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Marketing > Patrons:
- Locate the patron account you wish to view the loyalty points for > click View. You can also always search a patron’s phone number or name in the search box:
- Once on the patron’s page, you will be able to view both the Lifetime Points collected by the patron, as well as the Current Points they have available to redeem:
Via the POS
- Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > select Patrons:
Search a name or phone number in the search bar to locate a patron. Click on the patron you want to see loyalty points for.
Once on the patron’s page, go to the Patron Info section. Here, you will be able to view both the Current Points the customer has available to redeem, and the Lifetime Points they have collected:
Via the Front Facing Card Reader
- Click on the Check In button in the top right of the screen:
- Input your phone number and click on the check icon in the top right of the screen:
- Once you have succesfully signed in, both the name and number of points attached to your patron account will automatically display in the top right corner of the reader screen:
Via the Order App
Once on your shop’s page, patrons can view their current points by looking under the star icon at the very top of the store’s page:
Patrons will only able to access their current points on the Order App, and not their lifetime points.
Via the Order Website
- Click on the patron name in the top right of the page > select My Account:
- Under the Your Loyalty section, patrons will be able to view their current reward balance, as well as the Lifetime Points they have collected:
Earning Loyalty Points
Patrons are able to collect loyalty points by placing an order on any of your shop’s order platforms.
Loyalty must be enabled in order for any of your patrons to be able to collect points.
Earn Loyalty Points on the POS
At Checkout on the Register
- Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > click Register:
- Add items to the cart. Once you begin the checkout process, click the + Patron or Name button at the top right of the screen:
- This will prompt a pop up to appear. Click on the Attach Patron tab > search for the patron by entering either their name or phone number. Click on their name to attach them to the transaction:
Complete the checkout process by paying for the order.
Once you get to the Receipt page, the amount of stars the patron earned from the order will be displayed at the bottom of the page:
On the Front Facing Card Reader
- Click on the Check In button in the top right of the screen:
- Input your phone number and click on the check icon in the top right of the screen:
After you have successfully signed in, proceed with the usual checkout process and pay off the order.
Once you get to the order confirmation screen after completing the order, the total amount of points you earned, if any, will display at the bottom of the reader screen, and your total amount of points will also automatically update and display in the top right corner:
When Placing a Kiosk Order
- Press the Start Order button:
- Input the phone number linked to the patron account > click Enter:
- This will prompt a pop up confirmation screen to appear. Click yes to link your patron account to the order:
- Add items to the cart. Once you are ready to begin the checkout process, click View Cart > select Proceed to Checkout:
- Complete the checkout process by paying for the order.
Learn more about kiosks here.
When Placing an Order on the Front Facing Display
- On the Front Facing Display device, click on the Log In button:
Input the phone number linked to your patron account > click Next.
Add items to the cart and complete the checkout process by paying for the order.
Once you make your receipt selection, you will be able to see the amount of stars the patron earned from the order at the bottom of the page:
Learn more about front facing display here.
Earn Loyalty Points on the Order App
- Once signed in to your patron account, add items to the cart > click on the cart icon at the bottom right of the screen > select Proceed to Checkout:
- Complete the checkout process and select Place Order:
- On the Order Details page, scroll to the Rewards section at the bottom. Here, you will be able to see the amount of stars you earned from the order:
Collect Loyalty Points on the Order Website
- Once signed in to your patron account, add items to the cart > click on the cart icon at the top right of the screen > select Checkout:
- Complete the checkout process and select Confirm Order:
- You will then be able to see the amount of stars you earned from the order at the top of the order confirmation screen:
Redeem Loyalty Points
Patrons are able to redeem their loyalty points when placing an order on any of your shop’s order platforms.
Loyalty must be enabled in order for any of your patrons to be able to redeem their points.
Redeem Loyalty Points on the POS
At Checkout on the Register
- Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Register:
- Add items to the cart, Once you begin the checkout process, click the + Patron or Name button at the top right of the screen:
- Click on the Attach Patron tab > locate the patron by entering either the name or phone number attached to their account > click on their name:
- Once on the Payment Method page, click on the Rewards button:
- On the Available Rewards page, select the reward you would like to redeem for this order:
Once you have selected the reward, complete the checkout process by paying for the remainder of the order.
After you complete the order and redeem your points, your current stars amount will automatically update, and will be displayed at the top left of the screen:
On the Front Facing Card Reader
- Click on the Check In button in the top right of the screen:
- Input your phone number and click on the check icon in the top right of the screen:
After you have succesfully signed in, proceed with the usual checkout process.
Once you get to the Payment Methods screen a Use Rewards pop up will automatically display on the reader screen if you have enough points to redeem a reward. To redeem a reward, select Yes:
- You will then be taken to the My Rewards screen, where you can select which reward you would like to redeem on the order. Once you have located the reward you wish to redeem, select the Redeem button below it:
- The reward will then take effect on the order. Your amount of points will also automatically update and display in the top right corner of the screen:
- Once you get to the order confirmation screen, you will also be able to see the amount the redeemed reward deducted from the total order cost:
When Placing a Kiosk Order
- Press the Start Order button:
- Input the phone number linked to the patron account > click Enter:
- This will prompt a pop up confirmation screen to appear. Click yes to link your patron account to the order:
- Add items to the cart. Once you are ready to begin the checkout process, click View Cart > select Redeem Rewards in the top right corner:
- Click on the reward you would like to redeem for the order:
- Once you have selected the reward, click Proceed to Checkout:
- Complete the checkout process by paying for the remainder of the order.
Your current stars amount will automatically update after you complete the order and redeem your points.
When Placing an Order on the Front Facing Display
- Click on the Login button:
- Input the phone number linked to your patron account > click Next:
- Add items to the cart. Once you begin the checkout process, a pop-up will appear asking if you would like to Use Patron Rewards > click yes:
- On the Available Rewards page, select the reward you would like to redeem for this order:
- Complete the checkout process by paying for the remainder of the order.
Your current stars amount will automatically update after you complete the order and redeem your points.
Redeem Loyalty Points on the Order App
- Once signed in to your patron account, add items to the cart > select the cart icon at the bottom right of the screen > select Proceed to Checkout:
- Go to the Total section on the checkout page > select Rewards:
- On the Available Rewards page, locate the reward you would like to redeem for this order > click Apply:
- Complete the checkout process by paying for the order.
Your current stars amount will automatically update after you complete the order and redeem your points.
Redeem Loyalty Points on the Order Website
- Once signed in to your patron account, add items to the cart > click on the cart icon at the top right of the screen > select Checkout:
- Locate the Current Stars section at the top right of the checkout page > select the reward you would like to redeem for the order:
- Complete the checkout process by paying for the remainder of the order.
Your current stars amount will automatically update after you complete the order and redeem your points.
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