You are able to pay off any outstanding payments linked to billing accounts from both the Dripos Web Dashboard and Point of Sale. Billing accounts can be paid off manually or through an invoice.

Paying off Billing Accounts on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Operations > Billing Accounts:
  1. Locate the billing account you wish to pay off > click View:
  1. Once on the billing accounts page, there are two ways you can pay off the account’s outstanding balance: manually or through an invoice.

Manually Pay Off Balance: Click on the Click Here link in purple under the Pay Link field > select a card payment method > click Confirm Order:

Here, you will also have the option to attach a tip to the payment:

Invoicing the Account: Click on the Actions button in the top right corner > select from the dropdown if you’d like to send the invoice by either text or email > enter the phone number or email address of the individual(s) you wish to send the invoice to > click Send:

If you invoice the account, the invoicee will receive a link to the invoice payment page to the phone number or email address you inputted:

Paying off Billing Accounts on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Billing Accounts:
  1. Click on the billing account you wish to pay off.

  2. Once on the billing account’s page, there are two ways you can pay off the account’s outstanding balance: manually or through an invoice.

Manually Pay Off Balance: Click on the Pay Balance button > select if you’d like to pay off the balance by either Manual Card, Check, or Cash > click on the unpaid tickets you want to pay off > enter any required payment information > select Pay Balance:

If you would like to add a tip, you must select Manual Card as the payment method:

Invoicing the Account: Click on the Send Invoice button > select like to send the invoice by either text or email > enter in the phone number or email address of the individual(s) you wish to send the invoice to > click Send Invoice:

Locating Billing Account Payments on the Web Dashboard Sales Summary Report

  1. Log onto the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen > select Sales:
  1. The amount of the order or invoice that was charged to a billing account on that day will be included in the Product Sales section:

Even though you are still owed money for this charge or invoice, it will appear as a sale regardless since an amount for goods has been charged to a customer.

  1. Additionally, on the Payment Methods breakdown section at the bottom of the Sales Summary Report, the order or invoice amount will be displayed in the Net Accounts Receivable row:

The information displayed in the Net Accounts Receivable row on the Sales Summary Report will match with what is displayed on that day’s Payment Methods Report, where it will be further broken down if the billing account was charged via an invoice:

Locating Billing Account Payments on the Web Dashboard Payment Methods Report

  1. Log onto the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen > select Payment Methods:
  1. The amount of the order or invoice that was charged to a billing account on that day will be included in the Net Accounts Receivable section, where it will be further broken down if the billing account was charged via an invoice:

The information displayed in the Net Accounts Receivable row on the Payment Methods Report will match with what is displayed in the payment methods breakdown section at the bottom of the Sales Summary Report: