Managing inventory can be a hassle, but Dripos makes it easier. This guide shows you how to set up stocking units, automate stocking rules, and transfer inventory between locations through the Web Dashboard or POS.

Creating Your Stocking Units on the Web Dashboard

Adding a Stocking Unit to an item or ingredient allows you to track how it’s restocked. For example, while you may serve milk in ounces, you might restock milk cartons by the gallon.


Navigate to the Supply Chain Inventory Tab

First, navigate to the Supply Chain Inventory tab on the Web Dashboard via Supply Chain > Inventory:


Select an Item or Ingredient to Create a Stocking Unit For

Use the Search Bar or Ingredient Navigator to pick an item or ingredient and select View:


Create a Stocking Unit

On the Stocking Units tab of the item/ingredient page, click Add Unit:

This will reveal the Create Unit modal:

Name: The name of the unit (e.g., gallons, cases).

Default Cost: The default cost shown when quick-stocking the item with this unit.

Conversion Factor: The quantity of the conversion unit that makes up this stocking unit. For example, if stocking a 10-pack of gallon milk, the conversion unit is gallons, and the conversion factor is 10.

Conversion Unit: The base unit to which the stocking unit converts (e.g., gallons).

Once ready, click Add to finalize your stocking unit.

Creating Your Stocking Rules on the Web Dashboard

Stocking Rules allow you to automate stocking schedules. This is helpful for items like pastries, which may need regular restocking.


Navigate to the Supply Chain Inventory Counts Tab

First, navigate to the Supply Chain Inventory tab on the Web Dashboard via Supply Chain > Inventory:


Select an Item or Ingredient to Create a Stocking Rule For

Use the Search Bar or Ingredient Navigator to pick an item or ingredient and select View:


Create a Stocking Rule

On the Rules tab of the item/ingredient page, click Create Rule:

This will reveal the Stocking Rules modal:

Quantity: The amount of the selected unit to stock.

Unit: The unit of the quantity.

Stocking Type (Add/Reset):

  • Add: Adds the specified amount to the current stock.
  • Reset: Resets the stock to the specified amount.

Locations: The locations where this rule will apply.

Time: Set the time of day when the rule will execute.

Days: Choose the days of the week for the rule.

Click Create to finalize the stocking rule.

Managing Your Inventory on the Web Dashboard

Transfer Inventory Across Locations

Move Item or Ingredient Stock to Another Location


Navigate to the Supply Chain Transfers Dashboard

First, go to the Transfers Dashboard on the Web Dashboard via Supply Chain > Transfers to manage cross-location inventory transfers:

At the top of the dashboard, you’ll find:

Transfers Sent: The total value of transfers that have been sent but not delivered.

Transfers Received: The total number of transfers received in the past 7 days.

Orders to Receive: Transfers with a delivery date that has passed but have not been marked as received in Dripos.

Here, you can manage all transfers and requests.


Create a Transfer

To create a transfer, click the Create Transfer button. This allows you to move inventory from one location to another:

Transfer Location: The destination location.

Transfer Number: The unique ID for this transfer.

Delivery Date: The expected date of transfer.

Notes (Optional): Any extra details for the transfer. Click the Add Item button to select items or ingredients to include.


Submit a Transfer

Once ready, click Submit Transfer to complete the process.

Request Item or Ingredient Stock to Your Location


Navigate to the Supply Chain Transfers Dashboard

First, go to the Transfers Dashboard on the Web Dashboard via Supply Chain > Transfers to manage cross-location inventory transfers:


Request Inventory Stock from Another Location

To request a stock transfer, click the Request Transfer button:

Supplier Locations: The location you’re requesting the transfer from.

Ingredient: The item or ingredient you are requesting.

Quantity: The amount of stock you are requesting.

Unit: The unit of measure for the requested quantity.


Submit a Request

Once you’ve filled in the details, click Submit Request to add it to your dashboard.

Managing Your Inventory on the POS

Adjust Stock on the POS


Navigate to the Supply Chain POS Tab

To adjust the stock of an item or ingredient on your POS, go to the POS Supply Chain Tab:


Select an Item or Ingredient to Adjust Stock

Choose an item or ingredient from the list on the left, then click Adjust Stock on the right:


Adjust Stock

In the Adjust Stock modal, fill in the following details:

Stock Adjustment Amount: The quantity to adjust (positive or negative).

Unit: The unit of the amount to adjust.

Per Unit Price: The cost per unit.

Default Vendor Item: The vendor associated with this adjustment (if applicable).

Click Edit Stock to complete the adjustment.

Create a Production Event

Production Events allow you to adjust stock while applying subrecipes. For example, producing Hazelnut Syrup will use its subrecipe components, like Hazelnut Oil and Simple Syrup.

Navigate to the Supply Chain POS Tab

To create a Production Event for an ingredient on your POS, navigate to the POS Supply Chain Tab:


Select an Item or Ingredient to Create a Production Event

Choose an item or ingredient on the left, then click Create Production Event on the right:


Adjust Stock

In the Create Production Event modal, fill in the following details:

Quantity to Produce: The amount to produce (must be positive).

Unit: The unit for the production amount.

Click Save to complete the production event.

You can also record a Waste Event on the POS. Learn more here!