The invoice dashboard is your hub for viewing your outstanding, past due, and paid invoices, as well as the contacts they’re connected to.

Access Invoicing on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Operations > Invoicing:
  1. Once on this page, you’ll be able to view all of your outstanding, past due, and paid invoices. You’ll also be able to oversee both invoices and their respective due dates in either contact or invoice view by clicking on the respective tab:

Create Contacts for Invoices on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Operations > Invoicing:
  1. Click on the Create button in the top right corner, and select Contact from the dropdown:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to fill in the following information:

First and Last Name: Here, input the first and last name of the invoice contact.

Email Address: Here, input the email address of the invoice contact.

Phone Number (optional): Here, you have the option to input the phone number of the invoice contact.

Company (optional): Here, you have the option to input the company name attached to the invoice contact.

Notes (optional): Here, you have the option to attach any additional notes to the invoice contact.

  1. Once you have finished filling in these fields, click Add:
  1. You’ll then be taken to contact’s page, where you can defer to when editing their information, or viewing/adding their invoices and payment methods:

To delete a contact, go to their individual contact page > click on the Actions tab in the top right > select Delete Customer from the dropdown:

Creating Invoices

Create Invoices on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Operations > Invoicing:
  1. Click on the Create button in the top right corner > select Invoice from the dropdown:
  1. You will then be taken to the Invoice Details page where you will need to fill in the following fields:

Contact: Here, click on the dropdown to select from any of your existing contacts. This will be the contact that you’re invoicing.

Invoice Number: Here, the system will automatically generate a unique invoice number that will be assigned to the invoice.

Due Date: Here, click on the field to select assign a due date for the invoice using the calendar pop up.

Invoice Notes (optional): Here, you have the option to attach external facing notes to provide additional details on the invoice.

Enable Tips: If this is set to yes, the invoice contact will have the option to attach a tip when paying off the invoice.

Service Date: Here, click on the field to select the date/time that you want the invoice to show up as sales on your shop’s reports. Additionally, if you would like the invoice to show up on the ticket screen of your POS on your selected service date, click on the checkbox next to where it says Send to Ticket Screen at Service:

  1. Once you have finished filling in the necessary fields in the invoice information section, you will then need to add invoice lines, which are the items that will be attached to the invoice. To add an item, click on the + Add Line Item button at the top right of the Invoice Lines section:
  1. This will then automatically generate a line below. For each line item you add, you will need to fill in the following information:

Line Name: Here, you can either select an existing menu item from the dropdown or create a one time item by entering your desired name for the line item and selecting Create One Time Item:

Price: If you’ve created a custom one time item, you will need to input your desired price for the item here.

If you’ve selected a line item that is part of your existing menu, the price will automatically display as the existing price of that item.

Tax: Here, your default tax rate will automatically display as the existing tax amount for the product.

Quantity: Here, input the total quantity of the line item.

Total: This column will show the total cost of the line item based on the information you’ve filled in.

Select Customize next to any of your line items to add Notes, Modifiers, and Tax Rates to the line item. If you make any changes here, make sure to click Save at the bottom right of the pop up:

Add Discount: Here, you have the option to attach any of your shop’s existing discounts to the invoice:

Add Service Fee: Here, you have the option to attach any of your shop’s existing service fees to the invoice:

Additional Recipients: Here, if you’d like the invoice sent to any recipients outside the listed contact, click Add Recipient and enter their email address into the field below:

Invoice Reminders: Here, the system will automatically generate 5 invoice reminder dates where an email will be sent out to the invoice contact and any additional recipients reminding them to pay off the invoice.

If you’d like to change the days that a reminder is sent, click on the value under the Days column > input the desired number of days before the invoice due date that you want the reminder sent out:

Additionally, you can also select if you’d like the email reminder sent before, on, or after your listed due date:

  1. After you have finished filling in these fields, click Next:
  1. On the next page, you will be able to review the invoice, make any desired modifications, and view a preview of it in both PDF and email form:
  1. Once the invoice looks good to go, click Review Invoice:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to occur where you can select to either send the invoice now or save it as a draft: