Efficient vendor management is crucial for maintaining a steady supply of ingredients and products for your coffee shop. Dripos Vendor Management feature allows you to seamlessly add and organize your vendors, link your purchases directly to your inventory, and monitor your procurement activities with ease. By centralizing your vendor information, you can streamline your ordering process, reduce manual errors, and build stronger relationships with your suppliers.

Add your Vendors on the Web Dashboard


Navigate to the Supply Chain Vendors Tab

First, navigate to the Supply Chain Vendors tab on the Web Dashboard via Supply Chain > Vendors. From here, select Create Vendor to begin adding a vendor:


Create a Vendor

Clicking Create Vendor will open a modal where you can input your vendor’s information:

Once you’ve entered the necessary details, select the Create button to add your vendor.

Managing your Vendors


Navigate to the Supply Chain Vendors Tab

All added vendors can be viewed on the Supply Chain Vendors tab on the Web Dashboard via Supply Chain > Vendors.

Next to each vendor’s name and address, you can select the View button to open the vendor’s details or the Trash button to remove the vendor:


Viewing and Editing your Vendors

Selecting View on a vendor will open that vendor’s page:

Vendor Information: These are the basic details entered when the vendor was created. You can edit this information by clicking the Edit Information button:


Add Contacts for your Vendor

Contacts can be added to your vendors and selected when creating a purchase order for an item. To add contacts, navigate to the Contacts tab:

Select Add Contact to open the Contact Creation Modal and save the contact’s information:


Attach Items/Ingredients to your Vendor

Items and ingredients can be attached to vendors via the Vendor Items tab:

Select the Create Item button to begin linking your items or ingredients to your vendors:

Ingredient: Select the item or ingredient from your Inventory to attach to your vendor.

Vendor Item: Enter the name that the vendor displays on their price list.

SKU#: Enter the product code that the vendor displays on their price list.

Price per Case: Enter the cost of the vendor item.

Case Count: Enter the number of units contained in one case. For example, a shipment of 12 gallons of milk would have a case count of 12 and the unit as gallons.

Measuring Unit: Select the unit in which you are measuring the ingredient. For example, a shipment of 12 gallons of milk would use gallons as the measuring unit.

Once all fields are filled out, select Add to link the item or ingredient to the vendor.


View and Create Purchase Orders for your Vendor

The Purchase Orders tab on the vendor page allows you to:

  • View past purchase orders with the vendor.
  • Select the Create Purchase Order button to create a new order for that vendor.

Creating Purchase Orders


Navigate to the Supply Chain Purchase Orders Tab

First, navigate to the Supply Chain Purchase Orders tab on the Web Dashboard via Supply Chain > Purchase Orders.

At the top of your Purchase Orders dashboard, you’ll find the following details:

Open Orders: The total value of all purchase orders that have been sent but not yet delivered.

Received this Week: The total number of orders received in the past 7 days.

Orders to Receive: The total number of orders where the delivery date has passed but have not been marked as received in Dripos.


Creating a Purchase Order

Select the Create Purchase Order button on the Purchase Orders dashboard to start a new purchase order:

You’ll be prompted to input the following details:

Vendor: Select the vendor you’re purchasing from.

Order Number: Enter a number to label this purchase order.

Delivery Date: Specify the expected delivery date for this purchase order. This helps track average vendor delays.

Notes (Optional): Add any additional notes related to this purchase order.

Vendor Items: Select the items or ingredients you’d like to include in this purchase order. Click Add Item for each vendor item needed.

Once all fields are completed, select Create Purchase Order to add it to your Purchase Orders.

Managing Purchase Orders


Navigate to the Supply Chain Purchase Orders Tab

First, navigate to the Supply Chain Purchase Orders tab on the Web Dashboard via Supply Chain > Purchase Orders.

At the top of your Purchase Orders dashboard, you’ll find the following details:

Open Orders: The total value of all purchase orders that have been sent but not yet delivered.

Received this Week: The total number of orders received in the past 7 days.

Orders to Receive: The total number of orders where the delivery date has passed but have not been marked as received in Dripos.


View an Existing Purchase Order

Purchase orders are automatically sorted by the date they were created on your Purchase Orders dashboard.

You can filter these orders by status by selecting the Status dropdown. To view a specific purchase order, select View on that order:


Viewing and Managing Purchase Orders

Viewing a purchase order allows you to review the following:

  • Purchase Order Information:
  • Vendor Items on the Purchase Order:
  • Recipients/Contacts Attached:
  • Preview of an Automated Invoice:

Once a purchase order is received, you can:

  • Select Receive by Invoice to open the Receive Purchase Order modal.
  • Scan your invoice.
  • Select Receive to confirm receipt of the purchase order.

Additionally, select Actions for more management controls: