Once you have created an invoice, you are able to view, modify, and action the invoice using the Dripos Web Dashboard.

Access your Invoices on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Operations > Invoicing:
  1. Next, click on the Invoice List tab on the left:
  1. Once on this page, you will be able to track and view all of your created invoices. You can choose to only view either Draft, Outstanding, Past Due, or Paid invoices by clicking on their respective tabs at the top of the page:

You can also access this page directly from the Invoice Dashboard by clicking View All under either the Outstanding Invoices, Past Due, or Paid sections listed at the top of the home page:

  1. To access additional details for a specific invoice, click View:
  1. You will then be taken to that invoice’s information page, where you can access the following invoice details: Invoice Contact, Invoice Status, Invoice Number, Service Date, Tips Enabled, Invoice Line Items, Additional Recipients, and cost breakdown:

Editing Draft Invoices on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Operations > Invoicing:
  1. Next, click on the Invoice List tab on the left:
  1. Click on the Draft tab at the top of the page > locate the specific invoice you wish to edit > click View:
  1. Once you are on the invoice’s information page, click on the Edit Information button:
  1. This will prompt a pop up to appear where you can edit the Invoice Contact, Invoice Number, Due Date, Invoices Notes, Enable Tips, Service Date, as well as select if you would like the invoice to Send to Ticket Screen at Service. If any changes are made, make sure to click Save:
  1. In addition, you can also edit or add to the existing invoice line items by clicking on the Invoice Lines tab > click Edit Lines:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can edit, customize, or remove existing line items attached to the invoice, as well as add line items, service fees, and discounts. If any changes are made here, make sure to click Save:
  1. Finally, you can also add or remove additional recipients for the invoice by clicking on the Additional Recipients tab. Here you can click Delete to remove an existing additional recipient or click Add Recipients and enter their email into the pop-up:

Action and Refund Invoices on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Operations > Invoicing:
  1. Once on this page, locate the specific invoice you wish to action or refund > click View:
  1. Once on the individual invoice’s information page, there are several actions you can take:

Send an Invoice Reminder: If the invoice is outstanding, click on the Send Reminder button at the top of the invoice’s page. This will then email the invoice contact and any additional recipients, reminding them to pay the invoice:

Pay Invoice: If the invoice is outstanding, click on the Pay Invoice button to charge the invoice either by Contact Payment Method, Check, and Cash. You can also select if you’d like to send a receipt for the transaction:

To add a contact payment method, click on the Add Method button in the pop up > enter the contact’s credit card information into the pop up field > click Save:

Duplicate: To recreate the invoice as a new invoice with the same recipient and invoice lines, click on the Actions tab in the top right corner > select Duplicate:

Delete: To delete the invoice, click on the Actions tab in the top right corner > select Delete:

Download PDF: To download a PDF copy of the invoice with its billing information, line items, and payment details, click on the Actions tab in the top right corner > select Download PDF:

View Payment Page: To view the payment page sent to the invoicee, click on the Actions tab in the top right corner > select View Payment Page:

You can also review past invoices through the Invoicing Report. For more information on this, click here.