Tip Bucket Pay Ins allow you to keep track of physical tip jars or tip buckets in your shop and transfer that cash to your cash drawers so that they can be split amongst your employees during payroll.

We recommend that cash tips be paid into drawers at the end of each shift, prior to closing the cash drawers.

Initiate a Tip Bucket Pay In on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > click on the Cash tab:
  1. Click on the Tip Buckets tab in the left sidebar:
  1. From here, click on the Tip Bucket Pay-in button in the middle of the page, and enter the Amount being moved from the tip jar into the cash drawer and your Employee Pin:
  1. Once have finished filling in the required information, click Submit.

Now, when you click back into that drawer, notice the Tip Bucket Pay-in event under Events, and notice the Pay In/Out amount has changed: