Cash Drawer Basics
Learn the basics behind each cash drawer
Each cash drawer will appear on your Point of Sale with several key metrics. Keep reading to discover the basic terms associated with each of your cash drawers.
Example Cash Drawer on the POS
Let’s take a look at an example cash drawer:
The date listed at the very top corresponds to the date the cash drawer was opened.
Below that is the name of the device that the drawer was opened on. Typically, this will correspond to the device that is utilized as your shop’s register and is a host device for a physical cash drawer.
Below that is a set of line items. Let’s break these down individually:
Starting Time
The starting time corresponds to the time the drawer was opened.
Starting Cash
This refers to the amount of cash that was counted in the drawer at the time the drawer was opened.
Pay In/Out
Pay Ins and Pay-Outs are types of cash drawer events that involve either paying in or removing cash from the drawer.
An example of a Pay-Out is an employee needing to run to the grocery store to pick up an ingredient, and an example of a Pay In would be marking the change they bring back after making the purchase.
The amount displayed next to this field is the net pay in/out amount for the drawer.
Cash Sales
This is the amount of cash sales that have been accepted on that particular device since the drawer was opened.
Expected in Drawer
This amount takes the Starting Cash amount, adds the net Pay In/Out amount, and adds the Cash Sales amount to give you a live Expected in Drawer amount.
Close Amount
This is the closing amount of cash counted at the end of a shift/day.
Cash Remaining
This is the amount of cash that will remain in the drawer for the following day.
Expected Deposit Amount
This refers to the Expected in Drawer Amount minus the Cash Remaining amount, and estimates the expected cash deposit that will be taken to the bank at the end of the day.
Deposit Amount
This is the actual deposit amount counted and taken out of the drawer to be deposited at the end of a day.
Below the line items, you can see a list of cash drawer events with the corresponding employee listed that certified those events and timestamps:
Opening & Closing a Cash Drawer
Open a Cash Drawer
- Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > click on the Cash tab:
- Click on the Drawers tab in the left sidebar. Here, you will be able to view all of your already created cash drawers. Click into a specific drawer to view additional details from that day:
- To open a new drawer, click the New Drawer button in the middle of the page:
- This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to enter a starting amount for the drawer:
- Once you click Submit, you will then be directed to the individual cash drawer’s page:
Close a Cash Drawer
- Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > click on the Cash tab:
- Click on the Drawers tab in the left sidebar > click on the specific drawer you wish to close:
- Click on the Close Drawer button in the middle of the page:
- This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to enter the Closing Amount of Cash in the drawer, which is the total counted sum of cash in the drawer, and the Cash Remaining in Drawer (Drawer Reset) amount, which is the amount that will be left in the drawer for the next day (typically the next day’s starting amount):
- Once you have finished filling in the required information, click Submit to finalize.
Note a Pay In/Out on the POS
Once you’ve opened a cash drawer, click on either the Pay In or Pay Out buttons on the individual cash drawer’s page.
This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to enter either the Pay In or Pay Out Amount. You will also be able to attach any optional notes to record what the funds were utilized for, as well as take a photo of a receipt displaying the expenses:
- Once you have finished filling in the required information, click Submit.
Cash Drawer Settings
Manage your Cash Drawer Settings on the Web Dashboard
- Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, click on the Dripos Logo in the top right corner > Settings:
- Select the Order System tab at the top of the page:
Click the Edit button at the top right of the page.
This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can modify the following cash drawer settings:
Require Cash Drawer for Charge: If set to yes, a warning message be displayed whenever an attempt is made to process cash transactions without having an open cash drawer.
The notification will appear once cash is selected on the payment methods screen during the checkout process:
Share Cash Drawer Between Devices: If set to yes, the system will maintain a record of all cash transactions within a shop, consolidating them under a single location-based cash drawer.
Any drawers that are shared among devices will not display any device names on them:
Cash Drawer Starting Amount: Here, input the default starting cash amount that will appear whenever a new cash drawer is opened.
This amount can be changed each time a drawer is opened.
Tip Confirmation Creates Cash Drawer Payouts: Within the Employee Management section of the Shop Settings page, you will find this additional toggle option:
If this is set to yes, cash tip payouts to employees will automatically generate a payout event on the active cash drawer:
To learn more about tip payouts, click here.
Manage your Cash Drawer Settings on the Point of Sale
- Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > select the gear icon in the bottom right corner:
- Click on the Cash Drawers tab:
- Once on this page, you will be able to modify the following cash drawer settings:
Require Cash Drawer for Charge: If this toggle is on, a warning message be displayed whenever an attempt is made to process cash transactions without having an open cash drawer.
The notification will appear once cash is selected on the payment methods screen during the checkout process:
Require Employee PIN to Execute Cash Drawer Events: If this toggle is on, employees will need to enter their PIN in order to execute cash drawer events.
The corresponding employee will then be listed next to those events:
Use Store Banks to Manage Your Cash: If this toggle is on, Dripos will utilize a Store Bank system to manage multiple cash drawers under one collective bank.
After turning on this toggle, you’ll need to quit and restart the POS app. Once you do this, the cash tab in the sidebar will be replaced by a Banks tab:
If you need to turn this toggle off, you will need to quit and restart the POS app again. This will prompt the cash tab to reappear on the sidebar.
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