Using the Time Cards Report, you have the ability to review and analyze all tips collected by your employees during your selected time period.

Additionally, you can choose how you want to allocate and distribute tips among your staff members.

Tip Payout System Overview

Workflow Overview - When an employee who is included in the tipping pool clocks in, the system will start keeping track of how much in credit card tips they are owed. After clocking out, this employee can then see their tip payout entry, which tells them how much they are owed in tips for that shift.

This workflow should only be used if your employees collect their tips in cash at the end of each shift, and if they split tips evenly depending on who is clocked in at the time (split by transaction).

For example, if only one barista is clocked in, all tips gathered on transactions will go to that barista. If another one clocks in, tips will then be split evenly between those two baristas at the time of the second barista’s clock in.

Credit & Debit System - The tip payout can only calculate tips owed to employees on shift based on who is clocked into the Dripos system. If someone worked but forgot to clock in, other employees on shift may get over-awarded tips at the time of clock out.

If the time clock error is corrected before the next time employees clock in, the system will make a calculation to even out the incorrectly paid out tips at the time of next clock out. The employee

If applicable, these credits and debits are tracked on each time card and can be viewed on the Web Dashboard.

Turn on Tip Payout Settings

  1. On the Point of Sale, navigate to Settings > Timesheets:
  1. Turn on the following settings:

Require Tip Confirmation - This setting ensures that at the time of clock out, an entry will be created under the time clock that allows an employee to know how much in credit card tips they are owed from that shift.

Tip Confirmation Creates Cash Drawer Payout - This setting ensures that when an employee pays out their credit card tips at the end of a shift, a payout is automatically created on the open cash drawer, so your drawer math adds up.

Pay Out Employee Tips on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Time Clock:
  1. Have your employee clock out as normal.

  2. Time cards that require a tip out will appear under the Tip Payouts section at the top left of the page:

  1. Click on the time card that requires a pay out. This will prompt a pop-up asking for a Manager Pin to confirm the payout:

To ensure all cash flow is tracked properly, make sure you have an open cash drawer in Dripos when using this workflow.

  1. Once the manager pin has been entered, a pop-up will appear with the tip amount to be paid out to the employee. Ensure that the amount you see matches your expectations, and press Confirm Tips to finalize the payout:
  1. Once the tip payout has been confirmed, you may go ahead and cash out the employee normally.

  2. You should now also see a ‘Tip Payout’ listed on your open cash drawer under the POS Menu > Cash.

View Tip Payout Details on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log onto the Web Dashboard. Locate the time card you would like to see the tip payout on by navigating to Team > Time Cards, the Approval Center, an employee profile, or the Time Cards Report.

  2. Click on the time card you’d like to see the breakdown for:

  1. Click the View Tip Payout Breakdown button. A pop-up will appear:

Total Paid represents the total amount in tips actually paid out at the end of that employee’s shift

  1. Click for details.

Tip Summary - Clicking on this will show a breakdown of each tip from each transaction earned by the employee during this period.

Credit Debit Summary - Click here to view any credits that were added or debits were subtracted to make up this tip payout.

All amounts listed should add to the final total paid. If you do not see a total paid, your employee may not have successfully tipped out on the POS.

Use the Time Cards Report to Calculate Tips on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, click Reports > select Time Cards:
  1. Once you have selected your desired time period, click on the Split Tips tab at the top of the page:
  1. Select from the dropdown if you’d like tips to be split either by Transaction, Day, Week, or Period:
  1. Once you have finished making your selections, click Generate Report:
  1. Once the report has been generated, you will be able to see all time cards recorded during your selected time period:
  1. To see the amount of tips an employee collected with respect to your selected split tip method, reference the value under the Tips Earned column:

If your shop cashes out tips at the end of each shift using Dripos tip payout settings, the ‘by transaction’ tip amounts generated on the time cards report may not reflect what was actually paid out to your employees, due to the credit and debit system.