If your state requires employees take breaks for lengths of certain shifts, or if you would like to keep track of your employee’s breaks for more accurate timekeeping, you can use Dripos breaks features. Break types can be created on the Web Dashboard, so that they can be easily used by your employees on the Point of Sale.

You can create both unpaid and paid break types of any given length in Dripos.

Create a Break Option on the Web Dashboard

  1. Once logged on to the Web Dashboard, navigate to Team > Breaks.
  1. The Break Options page will appear. Press the Create Break Option button to create an option:
  1. A pop-up will appear. Fill out the following fields:

Name - Create a name for your break here. For example, ‘Lunch Break’ or ‘Paid 30 minutes’.

Amount Minutes - Put in how long you’d like this break to be.

Is Break Paid - Use the dropdown to select whether this break is paid or unpaid.

Press the Add button to save.

  1. Your break will now appear on the break options page, and can be used on the POS Time Clock.

Taking Breaks on the POS

Start a Break on the POS

  1. Clock in for your shift as normal on the POS Time Clock. You can make sure you’re successfully on shift by finding your name under the On Shift tab:

Learn more about clocking in here.

  1. Click on your On Shift entry or enter your 4 digit employee pin on the right side of the screen and press the Punch In/Out button:
  1. A pop-up will appear. Press the Start Break button:
  1. Select a break option and press Create Break.
  1. Once successfully on break, an On Break tag will appear next to your On Shift entry on the left side of the screen:

End a Break on the POS

  1. Click on your on shift entry on the left side of the POS Time Clock page, or enter your 4 digit employee PIN on the right side of the page and press the Punch In/ Punch Out button:
  1. A pop-up will appear. Press the End Break button to end the break you’re on:
  1. The details of your break will appear, showing how long it was expected to be, and how long it will be if ended now. Press End Break to finalize:
  1. You will be reverted back to the regular clock in/ clock out modal. Click anywhere outside the pop-up to return back to the time clock screen.

Add a Break to an Existing Time Card

  1. Once logged onto the Web Dashboard, find the time card you’d like to add a break to.

You can find time cards under Team > Time Cards, the Approval Center, an employee’s individual profile page, or the Time Cards Report.

  1. Click on the time card. A pop-up will appear. Press the + Add Break button:
  1. Fields to add a Break Start, Break End, and select the Break Option will appear.

Start by inputting the time the break should have started. If you then select a break option, the break end time will autofill.

Press the X button next to the break option if you make a mistake or would like to delete the break.

  1. Press the Save button to finalize. On the Time Cards page, the number of breaks on the time card will appear under the Number Breaks column:

Edit a Break Option

  1. Once logged onto the Web Dashboard, navigate to Team > Breaks.
  1. You will be taken to the Break Options page. Press Edit on the break option you’d like to change:
  1. A pop-up will appear. Edit any of the fields to change the break option. Press Save to finalize, or Delete to delete the break entirely.