When employees clock in for their shift, a time card is created on their behalf. Time cards help you as the employer understand their time worked, and are also how metrics like pay earned and overtime are tracked for your business.

Time cards can be created by employees clocking in on the Point of Sale, or the Hub App if your shop has mobile clock in enabled. You can also manually create a time card on the Dripos Web Dashboard.

Creating Time Cards

Create Time Cards the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Time Cards:
  1. Here, you will be able to see all the time cards for employees at your shop:

You can filter which time cards appear by location or employee role by selecting the filter button in the upper left hand corner:

  1. Press the + Create button at the top right of the page:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to fill in the following information:

Location: Select which shop location the time card will pertain to from the dropdown.

Employee: Select which employee the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

Role: Select which of the employee’s role the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

From/To: Select the start and end times of the time card.

  1. Once you have filling in the required information, click Create:

The time card will now be displayed under Team > Time Cards, as well as on that employee’s page under Time Cards.

Create Time Cards the Hub App

You can also create time cards on the Dripos Hub App, if you have sufficient permissions.

  1. On the Hub Dashboard, select Time Cards.

Here, you will be able to see all existing time cards for the current week.

The total number of time cards, the total hours worked from these time cards, and the amount of pay associated with these time cards will be listed at the very top of the screen:

  1. To create a new time card, click the + button in the top right of the screen:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to select the Employee that the time card pertains to, their Role, and their Clock In/Out times:
  1. Once you have filled in the required information, click Create to finalize:

Editing and Deleting Time Cards

Editing Time Cards on the Time Card Page

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Time Cards.
  1. Click on the time card you want to edit:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can edit the following information for the time card:

Location: Here you can adjust which shop location the time card will pertain to from the dropdown.

Employee: Here you can change which employee the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

Role: Here you can change which of the employee’s roles the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

From/To: Here you can adjust the start and end times of the time card.

  1. Once you have finished making your desired modifications, click Save or select Delete to delete the time card entirely. You can also select Cancel to exit out without changing anything:

Editing Time Cards on an Employee’s Information Page

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > My Team > select the Employees tab on the far right:
  1. Locate the specific employee you wish to edit a time card for > click View:
  1. Once on the employee’s information page, click on the Time Cards tab. Here, you will be able to view all of the employee’s existing time cards:
  1. Click Edit next to the individual time card you want to modify:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can edit the following information for the time card:

Location: Here you can adjust which shop location the time card will pertain to from the dropdown.

Employee: Here you can change which employee the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

Role: Here you can change which of the employee’s roles the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

From/To: Here you can adjust the start and end times of the time card.

  1. Once you have finished making your desired modifications, click Save or select Delete to delete the time card entirely. You can also select Cancel to exit out without changing anything:

Editing Time Cards on the Time Cards Report

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Reports > Time Cards:
  1. Once you have generated a report, click on the employee you want to edit a time card for:
  1. This will prompt a dropdown to appear. Select the Time Cards tab > click on the specific time card you wish to edit:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can edit the following information for the time card:

Location: Here you can adjust which shop location the time card will pertain to from the dropdown.

Employee: Here you can change which employee the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

Role: Here you can change which of the employee’s roles the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

From/To: Here you can adjust the start and end times of the time card.

  1. Once you have finished making your desired modifications, click Save or select Delete to delete the time card entirely. You can also select Cancel to exit out without changing anything:

Editing Time Cards in the Approval Center

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Approval Center:
  1. Click on the Time Cards tab:
  1. Locate the specific time card you want to modify > click Edit:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can edit the following information for the time card:

Location: Here you can adjust which shop location the time card will pertain to from the dropdown.

Employee: Here you can change which employee the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

Role: Here you can change which of the employee’s roles the time card pertains to from the dropdown.

From/To: Here you can adjust the start and end times of the time card.

  1. Once you have finished making your desired modifications, click Save or select Delete to delete the time card entirely. You can also select Cancel to exit out without changing anything:

Time Card Settings

Manage your Time Cards Settings on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, click on the Dripos Logo in the top right corner > Settings:
  1. Select the Time Cards tab at the top of the page:
  1. Here you will be able to view and modify the following time cards settings by clicking Edit next to their respective boxes:


Overtime is calculated on a weekly basis. If an employee has worked over 40 hours in a work week, any hours they work past that 40 hour limit will be calculated at a rate of 1.5x of their normal pay:

Calculate Overtime with Dripos: Here, you can determine whether to calculate overtime with Dripos. If set to yes, overtime calculations will appear on your time cards page and time cards report.

Workweek Start: Select when you want this workweek calculation to start for overtime purposes (i.e. what day of the week you’d like your 40 hours to begin on).

If you are a Dripos payroll customer, you must calculate overtime with Dripos in order to remain in compliance with state laws.

Time Card Auto-Approval

Here, you can manage the allowed minute differences from clock in/out to shift start/end for time cards to be auto-approved. This setting allows you to limit the amount of time cards that appear in your approval center:

Your time card auto-approval settings default to 10 minutes before and after shift start/end. So, if an employee clocks in more than 10 minutes before or after the start/end of their shift, the time card created for that shift will appear in the approval center.

All time cards within that 10 minute window will not appear in the approval center, and will be automatically approved.

Here, you can modify the following time card auto-approval settings:

Clock-In Before Shift Start: Enter the amount of minutes employees can clock in before their shift starts and still have their time card to be auto-approved.

Clock-In After Shift Start: Enter the amount of minutes employees can clock in after their shift starts and still have their time card to be auto-approved.

Clock-Out Before Shift End: Enter the amount of minutes employees can clock out before their shift ends and still have their time card to be auto-approved.

Clock-Out After Shift End: Enter the amount of minutes employees can clock out after their shift ends and still have their time card to be auto-approved.

If a time card has been edited but is within the time card auto approval time windows, it will still appear in the approval center for review.

Approve All Settings

Here, you can adjust which time cards are approved when the Approve All button is selected in the approval center:

Approve No Pay Time Cards: If set to yes, time cards with the No Pay Earned flag will be approved when the Approve All button is clicked on in the approval center.

Breaks Settings

Mark Time Cards as Out of Compliance: If set to yes, the Time Cards Report will show which time cards are not in compliance with your state’s Unpaid Breaks laws.

Managing time Cards

Filter Time Cards

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Time Cards:
  1. Here, you can filter which time cards appear by location or employee role:

Filter by Location: Click on the Home Location drop down at the top right of the page > select the checkbox next to the location(s) you’d like to see time cards for. Only time cards from those locations will display:

Filter by Employee Role: Click on the Employee Role drop down at the top right of the page > select the checkbox next to the role(s) you’d like to see time cards for. Only time cards for employees with that role will display:

View a Specific Employee’s Time Cards

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > My Team > select the Employees tab on the far right:
  1. Locate the specific employee you wish to view time cards for > click View:
  1. Once on the employee’s information page, click on the Time Cards tab. Here, you will be able to view all the employee’s existing time cards, with the most recent time cards displayed at the top:

View the Time Cards Report

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Reports > Time Cards:
  1. Here, click on the date selector to select the dates you’d like to see time cards for. You can also select the locations you’d like to see time cards for, choose to have time cards grouped by role or employee, and select which tip splitting method you’d like the report to calculate tips with:

If you are a payroll customer, this tip splitting option will default to what’s been selected in your payroll settings.

  1. Once you’ve selected your preferences, click the Generate button. Your time cards report will then automatically generate below:

The following metrics will be displayed next to each employee: total regular hours, pay earned, hours scheduled, tips earned, and average wage:

If you calculate overtime or use PTO with Dripos, these metrics will also show here.

You can see totals for each column at the bottom of the report to get a better understanding of your employees’ total time worked and your labor costs:

For more details on the individual time cards that make up this report, click on any employee’s name to access their specific time cards:

Understand Tip Breakdowns

If your shop splits the tipping pool by transaction, it may be helpful to know how much an employee is owed in tips for each time card.

If this applies to your shop, each time card for an employee working a shift during which they earn shift will have a breakdown of the tips they made during that shift.

If your shop utilizes Dripos tip payout features, each time card will also display how much this employee was paid out after their shift.

  1. To view tip information for a time card, access the time card anywhere on the dashboard.

This includes Team > Time Cards, Team > Approval Center > Time Cards, Reports > Time Cards Report, or on an individual employee’s page under Time Cards.

  1. Click on an individual time card. If this time card is associated with a role included in a tipping pool, a View Tip Breakdown button will appear:
  1. Click View Tip Payout Breakdown to view all tips associated with this time card. A pop-up will appear:
  1. Click Tip Summary to see how much in tips was allocated to this employee from each transaction checked out during this shift. You are also able to click on the ticket each portion of tips originated from.
  1. Click Credit Debit Summary to see if any credits or debits were applied to tips earned or paid out from this time card.

Tip credit and debits apply when time cards are edited after tips have already been paid out, rendering the previously paid out amount incorrect.

A credit or debit may apply to the tip payout amount on the affected employee’s next shift.

Viewing Time Card Activity

Time cards can be created and edited on either the Web Dashboard or from using the time clock on the Point of Sale. You can see the entire history of creation and edits on a time card from the Web Dashboard.

  1. Log onto the Web Dashboard. Navigate to Team > Time Cards.
  1. On any individual time card, scroll to the right and click the View Activity button:
  1. A pop-up will appear, showing you when and where the time card was created, as well the date, time, and editor if any changes were made:
  1. Press Ok or Cancel to close the pop-up.

Approving Time Cards

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Approval Center:
  1. Click on the Time Cards tab:

Here, time cards are listed by employee, and display the location name, type, date, time, pay earned, attached shift, and hours worked:

You can also filter the time cards by employee role:

  1. To approve a time card, click on the Green Check Mark to its right:

You can also approve all time cards at once by clicking on the Approve All button at the top right of the page:

Some time cards will also be flagged with a ‘Type’. These flags function to warn you of any time cards that may have an issue or originated from an unusual platform:

Auto-clocked Out: This tag will appear if a time card has automatically been given an end time. This happens to timecards that have not been clocked out of/ended after 24 hours:

If approving an auto-clocked time card, an extra confirmation screen will appear to ensure that you have acknowledged the time limits on this time card.

No Pay Earned: This tag will appear if no pay has been calculated for this time card. This can occur if a time card is less than one minute long, or if the role/employee that the time card is associated with has no pay rate attached:

Mobile: This tag will appear if the time card has been created using mobile clock in. Since employees usually don’t use mobile clock in while at the store with a manager, these time cards sometimes require more attention: