The Dripos approval center offers managers the convenience of controlling a range of employee-related affairs, such as trade, time off, and open shift requests, all from a single location.

Furthermore, the approval center enables you to recognize any overlooked time cards and rectify potential inaccuracies.

Access your Approval Center on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Approval Center:
  1. Once on this page, you can click on the Time Cards, Time Off Requests, Trade Requests, or Open Shifts tabs to view the respective time cards or requests that require manager approval:

You are also able to access the approval center while on the move using the Dripos Hub App.

Filter your Approval Center on the Web Dashboard

You are able to filter what shows up in the approval center in a variety of unique ways.

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Approval Center:
  1. Once on this page, there are different filters you can select between based on what you are wanting to approve:

Time Cards: Here, you have the option to filter based on Employee Role:

Time Off Requests: Here, you have the option to filter based on Location and/or Request Status:

Trade Requests: Here, you have the option to filter based on Location and/or Trade Status:

Open Shifts: Here, you have the option to filter based on Location and/or Status:

To select more than one option for any of the filters, just click on the checkbox next to each option you wish to select.

Using the Approval Center

Approving Time Cards on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Approval Center:
  1. Once on this page, click on the Time Cards tab to view all time cards that require manager approval:
  • To approve a time card listed, click on the green checkmark to its right. This will prompt a pop-up to appear asking you to confirm the time card information or make any necessary adjustments:
  • Once everything looks good to go, click Save to approve the time card and remove it from the approval center:
  • To edit information for a time card listed, click on the Edit button to its right. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you can edit the Location, Employee, and Role attached to the timecard, as well as the recorded start and end times for the shift:

Once everything looks good to go, click Save to approve the time card and remove it from the approval center:

If you wish to delete the time card all together, click on the Delete button at the bottom right of the pop-up page.

Approving Time Off Requests on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Approval Center:
  1. Once on this page, click on the Time Off Requests tab to view all submitted time off requests that require manager approval:
  • To approve a time off request listed, click on the green checkmark to its right. This will automatically approve the time off request and remove it from the approval center:
  • To decline a time off request listed, click on the red x to its right. This will automatically deny the time off request and remove it from the approval center:

You can also click View Details next to a request listed to view the exact days/times the employee has requested off, day the request was made, attach notes for the employees to see, and approve or reject the request:

Approving Trade Requests on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Approval Center:
  1. Once on this page, click on the Trade Requests tab to view all submitted trade requests that require manager approval:
  • To approve a trade request listed, click on the green checkmark to its right. This will automatically approve the trade request and remove it from the approval center:
  • To decline a trade request listed, click on the red x to its right. This will automatically deny the trade request and remove it from the approval center:

You can also click View Details next to a trade request listed to view the shift being traded, who the shift was originally made for, who the shift is being traded to, and time the trade was made.

Additionally, you can also attach notes that the employees will be able to see, as well as approve or reject the request:

Approving Open Shift Pick up Requests on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Team > Approval Center:
  1. Once on this page, click on the Open Shifts tab to view all open shifts that your employees have requested to pick up:
  • To approve an open shift pick up request listed, click on the green checkmark to its right. This will automatically approve the pick up request and remove it from the approval center:
  • To decline an open shift pick up request listed, click on the red x to its right. This will automatically deny the pick up request and remove it from the approval center:

Open shifts do not automatically display in the approval center. To learn how to enable picked up open shifts to appear in the approval center, click here.