You are able to attach additional fees to specific ticket types by creating service fees on the Dripos Web Dashboard.

You are also able to utilize the fees feature to add a custom amount to a product or ticket. These fees are only able to be applied and created on the Point of Sale.

All fees can either be a percentage or a fixed dollar amount.

Create Service Fees

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Sales > Menu > select the Service Fees tab on the left hand side:
  1. Click Create Service Fee in the top right corner:
  1. Once on this page, you will need to fill in the following fields:

Name: Input what you would like the service fee to be named.

Calculate on Subtotal: If you select yes, the service fee will be calculated on the order total before tax or tips are applied.

Tax Service Fee: If you select yes, the service fee will have the default tax rate attached.

Type: Select if you would like the service fee to be either a percentage or a flat dollar amount.

Amount: Input the percent or dollar amount of the service fee.

Minimum Subtotal Amount: If you want the service fee to only apply to orders after a specific amount, input the minimum subtotal value you want this fee to apply to.

Maximum Subtotal Amount: If you want the service fee to only apply to orders upto a specific amount, select the maximum subtotal value you want this fee to apply to.

  1. Once you have finished filling in these fields, click Create:
  1. To add the service fee to a ticket type, click Add Fee at the bottom right of the Ticket Types section:
  1. This will prompt a line to appear. Here, click Select Ticket Type to select the desired ticket type from the dropdown:
  1. Next, if you would like the service fee to automatically be applied to the ticket type, set the Enabled column field to yes:
  1. If you would like the fee to apply to multiple ticket types, repeat steps 5-7 for each additional ticket type.

  2. Once you have added all your desired ticket types, click the Save Types button at the top right of the Ticket Types section:

The service fee will then automatically be applied to orders placed under those ticket types.

Creating One-off Fees on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Register:
  1. Add your desired product(s) to the cart.

  2. Once you have finished adding any desired products to the cart, click on the tag icon:

  1. Once here, click on either the Custom % or Custom $ buttons under the Fees section at the very bottom of the page:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to enter the percentage or dollar amount for the custom fee. Once you are done, click Add:
  1. The fee will then be displayed in the cart as a separate line item:

Edit Service Fees

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Sales > Menu > click the Service Fees tab on the left hand side:
  1. Locate the service fee you wish to edit > click Edit:
  1. Click the Edit Information button at the top right of the page:
  1. Once on this page, you will be able to modify the following service fee settings: Name, Calculate on Subtotal, Tax Service Fee, Type, Amount, Minimum Subtotal Amount, and Maximum Subtotal Amount.
  1. Once you have finished making your desired edits, click Save:
  1. You also have the ability to modify the ticket types attached to the service fee. You can do so in three ways:

Change the Ticket Type: Click on the Ticket Type dropdown and select a new ticket type:

Disable a Ticket Type: Click on the dropdown under the Enabled column > select no:

Delete the Ticket Type: Click on the Trash icon to the far right of the ticket type:

Delete Service Fees

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Sales > Menu > click the Service Fees tab on the left hand side:
  1. Locate the service fee you wish to delete > click Edit:
  1. Once on the service fee’s page, click on the Actions button at the top right of the page > select Delete Service Fee:
  1. To delete the fee, click Confirm: