You are able to create both Preset Discounts and One-Time Discounts on the Dripos Web Dashboard.

These will then be available to select on the Point of Sale register.

Discount Types

Preset Discounts

Preset Dollar Discounts: This type of discount allows you to deduct a fixed dollar amount from a ticket or product:

Preset Percentage Ticket Discounts: This type of discounts allows you to deduct a fixed percentage amount from a ticket or product:

You are able to create custom discounts that apply to products or tickets through the Dripos Web Dashboard.

Any custom discounts you create will automatically appear on the Point of Sale register.

In addition, you are also able to create and apply one-time discounts directly from your POS.

One-Time Discounts

One-Time Dollar Discount This type of discount allows you to create a one-time discount that deducts a specific dollar amount from a ticket or product:

One-Time Percent Ticket Discounts: This type of discount allows you to create a one-time discount that deducts a percentage amount from a ticket or product:

Create Discounts

Web Dashboard

There are two types of preset discounts that you are able to create on the Web Dashboard: preset Product Discounts and preset Ticket Discounts.

Product Discounts

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Sales > Discounts:
  1. Click the Create button at the top right of the screen > select Product Discount:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear, where you will need to fill in the following information:

Name: Enter the name for the discount.

Discount Type: Select if you want the discount type be to be either a Flat (dollar) or Percentage amount.

Discount Amount: Enter the amount you want the discount to be for. It should either be a dollar amount or percentage amount based on which discount type you selected.

Discount Logo (Optional): Here, you have the option to upload a logo that will appear next to the discount on the POS register.

  1. Once you have finished filling in all the fields, click Save:
  1. Once you have finished creating the preset product discount, you’ll be directed to its information page:
  1. Here, you will need to attach the discount to specific products in order for it to be available on the POS. To attach the discount to a product, click Add Product:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear, where you can select your desired products from the dropdown:
  1. Once you have selected your desired products, click Save:

The product discount will then be available to select when the product is selected on the POS register.

Ticket Discounts

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Sales > Discounts:
  1. Click the Create button at the top right of the screen > select Ticket Discount:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear, where you will need to fill in the following information:

Name: Enter the name for the discount.

Discount Type: Select if you want the discount type be to be either a Flat (dollar) or Percentage amount.

Discount Amount: Enter the amount you want the discount to be for. It should either be a dollar amount or percentage amount based on which discount type you selected.

Discount Logo (Optional): Here, you have the option to upload a logo that will appear next to the discount on the POS register.

  1. Once you have finished filling in all the fields, click Save.

The ticket discount will then be available to select on the POS register.


On the register page of the POS, you have the option to apply any of your existing preset discounts.

Product discounts can be applied directly on the product page, whereas ticket discounts are applied at the cart level.

Product Discounts

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Register:
  1. Click on a product that is attached to the preset product discount.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the product’s page> select the preset product discount, which will be displayed at the bottom of the product’s page under Product Discounts:

  1. Upon clicking the button, you’ll notice the price of the product change. Once the product has been added to the cart, the discount will be displayed as a separate line item:

Ticket Discounts

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Register:
  1. Add your desired products to the cart.

  2. Once you have finished adding any desired products to the cart, click on the tag icon:

  1. Once here, you will be able to access all of your existing ticket discounts under the Discounts section at the bottom of the page.

  2. Select your desired ticket discount.

  3. You will then see the discount displayed in the cart as a seperate line item:

One-Time Product Discounts

One-time discounts are special promotions that are manually applied to a product or ticket on a single occasion.

You are only able to create and apply one-time discounts from the POS register.

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Register:
  1. Click on the product that you want to apply a one-time discount to.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the product’s page > click on either the Add Percent Discount or Add Product Discount button:

  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to enter your desired percentage or dollar discount amount. Once you have entered your desired amount, click Add.

  2. Once the discount has been added to the product, click the Update button in the top right corner. The one-time discount will then be displayed as a seperate line item in the cart:

One-Time Ticket Discounts

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > Register:
  1. Add your desired products to the cart.

  2. Once you have finished adding any desired products to the cart, click on the tag icon:

  1. Locate the Discounts section at the bottom of the page > click on either the Custom % or Custom $ button to add a one-time discount that applies to all products in the cart:
  1. Once you have entered your desired one-time discount amount, click Add and proceed with the transaction.