On Dripos, you can create your tipping pool based on role as well as ticket type. In other words, you can include or exclude roles from earning tips from the pool, and you can control which types of orders actually make up the tips in the pool.

For example, you may want to include baristas, cashiers, and bussers in the tipping pool, but exclude owners or salaried managers. Or, you may want to allow tips left on “To-go” and “For here” orders to make up the tipping pool, but not delivery orders.

Tip Pooling on Dripos

Splitting the Tipping Pool on Dripos

On Dripos, your employee’s tips can be calculated in a few different ways. How you’d like to divvy tips between your employees may depend on your shop’s workflow, hours of operation, or other factors. tips can be pooled in the following ways:

Splitting by Transaction: Each tip left on a transaction will be split equally between whoever is clocked in at the time of that transaction. For example, if Betty is the only employee clocked in at 1pm and a $10 tip is left at 1:05pm, she will earn all $10 as tips. If Veronica clocks in at 1:10pm and a $10 tip is left at 1:15pm, $5 will go to Betty, and $5 will go to Veronica.

Splitting by Day: Splitting by day means that tips will be split proportionally between every employee who was clocked in that day.

Splitting by Week: Splitting by day means that tips will be split proportionally between every employee who was clocked in that week.

Splitting by Pay Period: Splitting by day means that tips will be split proportionally between every employee who was clocked in during the entire pay period.

Tip Settings

Adjust How Tips are Split by Role

After you’ve decided which ticket type tips make up the pool, you can change which types of employees will receive or not receive those tips. For example, you may want your baristas to receive tips while wanting owners to remain out of the tipping pool.

  1. Log onto the Web Dashboard and navigate to My Team > Roles.
  1. Select Edit on the role you’d like to include/ exclude from the tipping pool.
  1. Once on the individual role page, click Edit Information:
  1. Take note of the Tips Disabled setting. If set to Yes, this role will not be included in the tipping pool. If set to No, employees with this role will receive a share of the tips.

Change the setting to your preferences and press Save to finalize.

Adjust How Tips are Split by Ticket Type

When a ticket type has tip splitting enabled on the Dripos Web Dashboard, tips collected under tickets of that type will be included in the employee tipping pool.

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Navigate to Sales > Checkout Flow > select the Ticket Types tab on the left hand side:
  1. Locate the ticket type you wish to enable tip splitting on > click View:
  1. Click Edit Information in the top right corner:
  1. To enable tip splitting for this ticket ticket, set the Tip Splitting field to yes:
  1. Once you are done, click Save: