You can start a basic checkout flow directly from your Point of Sale register.

Checking Out on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 Line Icon at the top left of the screen to navigate to the Sidebar and press Register:

Your cart will be displayed on the far right side of the screen, while your products and categories will be displayed on the left.

  1. Click a product to add it to the cart. This will redirect you to the product’s page:
  1. Here, select your desired modifiers, if applicable, and press Add:
  1. The product will then be added to the cart, and the tax amount and subtotal will calculate:
  1. Repeat as necessary with however many products you’d like to add to the cart. You can also increase the quantity of items you’d like to add on product pages using the + and - buttons:
  1. When you’re finished adding your desired products to the cart, press the Charge button at the bottom of the cart:
  1. Select a ticket type for this order:
  1. Select a payment method:

On either the ticket type screen or the payment methods screen, you can also add a name or link a patron to the order.

The order will then display the name or patron information on the ticket screen, enabling easy identification. However, the appearance of the Rewards payment method is contingent upon the patron being linked and loyalty being enabled.

  1. After the payment method is collected, you will then be prompted to choose a receipt option. Choose an electronic receipt option by pressing Phone or Email and inputting the customer’s information in the pop-up that appears:

If you have a receipt printer connected to this device, a Print button will appear in order to print a physical receipt.

  1. You will then be taken to a confirmation screen. Press New Order to go back to your register:

Taking Payments on the POS

Common Payment Methods


When you accept cash on the POS, you can input the amount given to you by the patron:

Then, select one of the default cash amount buttons that appear, or type in exactly how much cash you were handed:

The correct change amount will then automatically display on the receipt screen:

Splitting Payments

  1. Check out as normal on the POS and proceed to the Payment Methods screen.

  2. Press the Split button in the upper right hand corner of the payment options:

  1. Here, you will be prompted to split the ticket by amount or by item in addition to entering the amount of the first payment you’d like to take. You can either enter a custom amount, or choose a pre-selected option:

Split by Amount:

Split by Item:

  1. You will be taken to the payment methods screen to select your payment preference for the first split.

  2. Once you have paid for the first split, you will then be prompted to choose your next split amount. You can split a payment as many types as you’d like to:

Each time you select a split amount, you will be prompted to pay at the payment methods screen, until the entire order has been paid for.