Assigning a barcode to a product will allow you to scan that product on the Dripos Hub App and have it add to the cart on your barcode scanner host Point of Sale device.

You are able to assign a barcode to any of your products through the Web Dashboard.

Set a Barcode Scanner Host Device on the POS

  1. Log on to the Point of Sale. Once signed in, click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > select the gear icon in the bottom right corner:
  1. Click on the Global Ticket Options tab:
  1. Scroll down to the Barcode Scanner Host Device section at the bottom of the page. Here, you can either select from the dropdown which device you want to make the host device or click the Set to this device button to set the device you are on as the host device:

Once you have done this, any barcodes that you scan will automatically appear in the cart on the barcode host device.

Assign a Barcode to a Product on the Web Dashboard

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Sales > Menu > and click the Products tab on the left hand side:
  1. Find the product you want to assign a barcode to and click View:
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Barcode tab > click the Edit button:
  1. A pop up will appear asking for the barcode number. You have two options:

If the product has an existing barcode on it, like a bag of chips, follow the following steps:

  1. Input the numbers listed on that barcode into the barcode section of that product on the Web Dashboard > click Save.
  1. Next, go on the Dripos Dash App > click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > select the Barcode Scan button at the bottom of the sidebar:
  1. Once on this page, click Next > scan the barcode on the product:
  1. After you have scanned the barcode on the product, the product’s name will appear on the Dash App screen, and it will automatically be added to the cart on your barcode scanner host POS device:

If the product does not have an existing barcode on it, follow the following steps:

  1. Select a custom number that you want to assign to this product’s barcode and into the barcode section of that product on the Web Dashboard > click Save:
  1. Click on this link > under the Code-128 Data section in the middle of the page, enter that custom number into the empty field > click the Refresh button at the bottom right of the box:
  1. This will generate a barcode that will appear at the very right of the page.

  2. Next, go on the Dripos Hub App > click on the 3 line icon at the top left of the screen > select the Barcode Scan button at the bottom of the sidebar:

  1. Once on this page, click Next > scan the barcode that was generated using the link above:
  1. After you have scanned the online barcode, the product’s name will appear on the Dash App screen, and it will automatically be added to the cart on your barcode scanner host POS device: