You are able to create additional prompts on the Dripos Web Dashboard that will be displayed to your customers during the checkout process on all of your shop’s ordering platforms.

Checkout prompts are especially useful when looking to gather more information from customers regarding their order. This allows for smoother business operations and a more enhanced customer experience.

Create Checkout Prompts

  1. Log on to the Web Dashboard. Once signed in, select Sales > Checkout Flow > select the Checkout Prompts tab on the left hand side:
  1. Click Create Prompt in the top right corner:
  1. This will prompt a pop-up to appear where you will need to fill in the following fields:

Short Name: Enter the name you would like the checkout prompt to appear under on the Point of Sale.

Long Name: Enter the name you would like the checkout prompt to appear under on your shop’s Order Website .

Ticket Types: Select form the downbar which ticket type(s) you want this checkout prompt to be available for.

Platform: Select form the downbar which order platform(s) you want this checkout prompt to be available on.

Prompt Question: Enter the question attached to the checkout prompt that will be displayed to customers upon checking out.

  1. Once you have finished filling in the required fields, click Add:

Once created, the checkout prompt will automatically be displayed on the checkout screen of your designated order platform(s) when the attached ticket type is selected:

Modify Checkout Prompts

  1. On the Web Dashboard go to Sales > Checkout Flow > select the Checkout Prompts tab on the left hand side:
  1. Locate the checkout prompt you wish to edit > click View:
  1. Click the Edit Information button in the top right corner:
  1. A pop-up will appear where you will be able to edit the following information for the checkout prompt: Short Name, Long Name, Ticket Types, Platform, and Prompt Question.
  1. Once you have made your desired modifications, click Save:

Delete Checkout Prompts

  1. On the Web Dashboard, go to Sales > Checkout Flow > select the Checkout Prompts tab on the left hand side:
  1. Locate the checkout prompt you wish to delete > click View:
  1. Once on the checkout prompt’s page, click the Actions button in the top right corner > select Delete Prompt: